Bag2Bag introduces “Bano,” India’s first GenAI in online hotel booking, offering a bespoke, efficient booking experience.

Bag2Bag Hotels & Homes has introduced Bano, a new GenAI tool, to its online booking service. This initiative establishes Bag2Bag as an early adopter of technology in the hospitality sector, aiming to enhance customer service and provide more personalized booking experiences.

Bano is designed to personalize the booking process by offering recommendations based on individual user preferences, including budget, location, and specific amenities. This aligns with Bag2Bag’s commitment to providing customer-centric accommodation solutions.

CEO Alok Mishra notes that Bano is built to adapt and enhance its performance over time. Utilizing user data and feedback, Bano aims to provide tailored travel and activity suggestions, thus enhancing the overall travel experience for both locals and visitors.

The launch of Bano represents Bag2Bag’s strategy to simplify and enhance access to its diverse hotel and home offerings in a fragmented online hospitality market. Despite facing initial resource challenges, Bag2Bag plans to expand Bano’s capabilities, aspiring to cover a broad spectrum of travel and accommodation services.